Saturday, July 29, 2006

Back to the talking heads

I always thought that one talking head was about the same as another but I am starting to have second thoughts. The talking heads in Australia spout a line of inanity that is in inverse proportion squared to their knowledge of the subject but directly proportional to the existing populist view. Talking heads in the UK have a subtle variation in that the square is replaced by a .0000001 divisor on their knowledge but instead of populist they use the government view, which is a filtered version of the populist view. In the USA there is another change. Most of them have so little knowledge of what they are talking about and the second filter reflects the political views of the media they are talking through that they simple rely on words of more than two syllable's to confuse the issue further. More than two syllable's being beyond the comprehension of the average listener or viewer.

What bought this on. I was just watching Fox News, a misnomer if there ever was one, and I am a conservative, when they had a general talking head, military that is, who started on his little spin and was interrupted by the host and then came back with the opposite view to his original. Does left spin and right spin applied to the same subject by the same person produce wrist or finger spin?? That's a slightly smutty cricket allusion.

I remain concerned over Lebanon, who does not, but more that the media is starting to move its bias, at least here in the UK back to the Arabist line that the Foreign office always produces.

Hezbollah hides amongst the population and sends indiscriminate rockets onto civilian centers in Israel and the Israelis take the heat for over reacting.

Does anyone get the point that by allowing the fighting to go on in the middle east we are keeping our patch relatively calm. Thats very NIMBY I know but having lived with and talked to some of the crazy people I prefer it that way.


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